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Hobie Fishing Series 14 Round 1 Marlo

Hobie Fishing Series 14 Round 1 Marlo

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Daiwa Round 1. Marlo, Vic 2023

The first round of the Hobie Fishing Series 14 cast off last weekend in Marlo Victoria. With a record breaking field for this location (102 anglers vs 71 in 2019) it was incredible to see the enthusiasm from all the competitors for the first round. Marlo is a waterway that often divides the competitors, they either love it or hate it, but the results show, Marlo produces some of the biggest fish on the tour. Juro's, Rick Massie, record 3 fish bag weight of 4.68kg came from Marlo and stills remains uncontested after ten years. Day one was a tough one for many anglers, with the region blanketed in heavy sea fog, it wasn't till mid morning before sun broke through with a typical summer day.... hot and humid! After a long day on the water, Hurricane sponsored Victorian angler,Tony Pettie was on top of the podium with a sensational 3/3.16kg bag, 2nd place was NSW Hunter Watersports owner James Kilpatrick with 3/3.07kg bag and close in 3rd, with a tie, longtime Hobie tournament angler Dave Hedge and Dennis Villamor both with 3/2.75kg. Day two begun with anglers informed at the morning briefing that the day will be cut short due to possible dangerous wind conditions. Predicted wind gusts of upwards to 30 knots by midday, had anglers only a limited time to fish with weigh-in brought forward from 2pm to 11am. At the end of day two, day one leaders remained. Victorian Tony Pettie took out the no.1 position with a sensational total 5/5.19kg bag, 2nd, longtime Hobie tournament angler Dave Hedge scored 5/5.15kg and NSW Hunter Watersports owner James Kilpatrick with 5/4.82kg.

Atomic Round 2. Camden Haven, NSW 2023

The first round has been completed in SERIES 14, roll on round two in just a few weeks. Camden Haven is a new location on the Hobie Fishing Series. Previously we have only ever run an event here for the 2011 Hobie Fishing Worlds. As a new location its an open playing field as the majority of the anglers have little or no knowledge of the waterway.
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